Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Joplin Relief

 Imagine this is your street:

It used to look normal, now the street is littered with debris, belongings, cherished hopes and dreams. People have nothing left except what they can salvage from the wreckage. They have no home, no where to go. Many of these people have family who also lost their homes, so they can't go there. There used to be beautiful trees, probably some with spring buds on them. Now they are bare trunks, stark reminders of what used to be.

Imagine this is your town:

There is nothing left. No where to go. Nothing to do except cry and hope that your family members made it, that they will be found.

Imagine this is your child:

The rescue worker carrying her out. To which hospital is unknown, since the main hospital was destroyed. 

Can you imagine not knowing if your loved ones are safe? Where they are? If they are alive? 

We have all been saturated with these images. These are not just images on your screen, these are people. These are our neighbors. These people need your help. Please help us. If you can donate an item please email me at goodbathcompany@gmail.com. If you can't please bid on these items! Also 20% of all profit made by Good Bath Company from now until the auction closes will go to the American Red Cross for Disaster Crises. Please help. This could be you, this could be me, these people could be your family or friends. They have lost so much. We want to give them something back!

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. The auction is being put up asap and will close on June 10th.

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